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Astrological Aspect of the week

March 2014


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Saturday 2nd March 2014
Saturday 8th March 2014
Saturday 15th March 2014
Saturday 22nd March 2014
Sunday 30th March 2014

Sunday 2nd March 2014

Dow 16,321  FTSE 6809 Gold 1321 Brent Crude 108.31

Optimistic Jupiter races ahead

The 2 major events of the week both occur Wednesday night into Thursday morning. Taking away the limelight from last weeks violent news fortunately. Wednesday evening Venus moves into Unpredictable Aquarius having remained in Capricorn since November 2013. This should give a much needed boost to the Banking sectors. And Libran and Aries sectors. Although being short lived.
Thursday morning Jupiter will move forward at 10 degrees Cancer, racing through the remaining digits of Cancer through till July 16th, when it moves give the final surge to property prices into July.
But their are hurdles to overcome, Jupiter will be part of the Grand Square forming from Friday into mid April. This promises to become the highlight of the year. 

Times to look out for GMT


Venus 90 Mars 02 Mar 2014 20:03 27.5 CPR 27.5 LIB
Sun 135 Mars 03 Mar 2014 04:38 12.5 PIS 27.5 LIB
Vesta 150 Juno 03 Mar 2014 09:30 30.0 LIB 30.0 PIS
Sun 60 Pluto 03 Mar 2014 19:16 13.1 PIS 13.1 CPR
Venus 45 Chiron 03 Mar 2014 21:37 28.4 CPR 13.4 PIS
Sun 0 Chiron 04 Mar 2014 01:26 13.4 PIS 13.4 PIS
Pallas 150 Juno 04 Mar 2014 07:42 0.5 VIR 0.5 ARI
Sun 45 Venus 04 Mar 2014 16:31 14.0 PIS 29.0 CPR
Juno 150 Node 05 Mar 2014 03:38 0.9 ARI 0.9 SCO
Sun 135 Vesta 05 Mar 2014 14:44 14.9 PIS 29.9 LIB
Venus 90 Vesta 05 Mar 2014 19:19 29.9 CPR 29.9 LIB
Venus 150 Pallas 05 Mar 2014 21:34 0.0 AQU 0.0 VIR
Vesta 60 Pallas 06 Mar 2014 05:12 29.9 LIB 29.9 LEO
Sun 135 Node 06 Mar 2014 12:27 15.9 PIS 0.9 SCO
Juno 150 Ceres 06 Mar 2014 14:24 1.7 ARI 1.7 SCO
Venus 90 Node 06 Mar 2014 20:52 0.8 AQU 0.8 SCO
Sun 135 Ceres 07 Mar 2014 07:47 16.7 PIS 1.7 SCO
Venus 90 Ceres 07 Mar 2014 19:21 1.6 AQU 1.6 SCO

Saturday 8th March 2014

Dow 16,452  FTSE 6712 Gold 1340 Brent Crude 108.81

Double T Square with a taste of things to come

The week begins with a double dose of T Squares shaping up events before the main event in Mid April. 
On Tuesday early morning we get Round 3 of the Mercury T Square with Sedna and Saturn, that initially brought Latin American debt to the forefront of news, when it made the 1st of 3 aspects due to Mercury going retrograde. Lets see what news we has in store Monday and Tuesday with the final episode.
Prior to this on Monday morning GMT we get a taste of things to come with the fast moving Moon making the 1st of 6 T Squares aspects to Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto, before Mars joins the Party in mid to late April to form a Cardinal Grand Cross. The Moon will be in emotional Cancer on Monday. Lets watch to see what Round 1 of 6 brings to the headlines.....
Later in the week the Bulls get their own way for  a short while with The Sun trine Saturn and Mercury trine Mars. With the Full Moon occurring out of Market hours on Sunday.

Times to look out for GMT


Mecury 60 Eris 09 Mar 2014 21:38 22.1 AQU 22.1 ARI
Venus 60 Juno 09 Mar 2014 22:59 3.5 AQU 3.5 ARI
Moon 0 Jupiter 10 Mar 2014 10:37 10.5 CAN 10.5 CAN
Moon 90 Uranus 10 Mar 2014 12:05 11.2 CAN 11.2 ARI
Moon 180 Pluto 10 Mar 2014 16:16 13.3 CAN 13.3 CPR
Mercury 90 Saturn 11 Mar 2014 06:14 23.3 AQU 23.3 SCO
Mercury 90 Sedna 11 Mar 2014 09:57 23.4 AQU 23.4 TAU
Pluto 135 Pallas 12 Mar 2014 09:11 13.3 CPR 28.3 LEO
Venus 30 Neptune 12 Mar 2014 09:25 5.7 AQU 5.7 PIS
Sun 30 Eris 12 Mar 2014 20:20 22.2 PIS 22.2 ARI
Mercury 135 Jupiter 13 Mar 2014 17:44 25.5 AQU 10.5 CAN
Sun 120 Saturn 13 Mar 2014 21:15 23.2 PIS 23.2 SCO
Sun 60 Sedna 14 Mar 2014 01:57 23.4 PIS 23.4 TAU
Neptune 30 Juno 14 Mar 2014 02:23 5.7 PIS 5.7 ARI
Mercury 45 Uranus 14 Mar 2014 15:02 26.4 AQU 11.4 ARI
Mars 120 Mercury 14 Mar 2014 16:17 26.5 LIB 26.5 AQU

Saturday 15th March 2014

Dow 16,065  FTSE 6527 Gold 1382.5 Brent Crude 107.80

Tensions simmer down as energy of Full Moon disappears.

Sundays Full moon brings the weeks tensions to a climax, as with All Full Moon's breakthroughs in disputes can be found,  although this time the tensions will be only simmering under the surface and not hitting the headlines yet once Tuesday has passed.
This weeks action though will be mainly on Monday and Tuesday with Round 2 of 6 of the Lunar T Square with Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter that helped the markets dive last week.
On Tuesday Sedna, Juno and Saturn make a fleeting weak aspect to bring even more cold chills to the markets.
The rest of he week is tame compared to the Monday and Tuesday, but slowly working into next week is Juno, ready to join the T Square Party
To be continued.....

Times to look out for GMT


Mercury 120 Vesta 17 Mar 2014 02:48 29.1 AQU 29.1 LIB
Venus 102 Sedna 17 Mar 2014 16:13 10.6 AQU 23.4 TAU
Jupiter 150 Venus 17 Mar 2014 18:01 10.6 CAN 10.6 AQU
Sun 150 Pallas 17 Mar 2014 19:02 27.1 PIS 27.1 LEO
Moon 90 Jupiter 17 Mar 2014 21:03 10.7 LIB 10.7 CAN
Moon 180 Uranus 17 Mar 2014 22:50 11.6 LIB 11.6 ARI
Moon 90 Pluto 18 Mar 2014 02:12 13.4 LIB 13.4 CPR
Mercury 120 Node 18 Mar 2014 03:19 0.2 PIS 0.2 SCO
Mercury 120 Ceres 18 Mar 2014 10:51 0.6 PIS 0.6 SCO
Juno 135 Saturn 18 Mar 2014 11:17 8.1 ARI 23.1 SCO
Jupiter 102 Sun 18 Mar 2014 12:20 10.7 CAN 27.8 PIS
Mercury 51 Eris 18 Mar 2014 15:02 0.8 PIS 22.2 ARI
Venus 60 Uranus 18 Mar 2014 19:00 11.6 AQU 11.6 ARI
Venus 102 Vesta 18 Mar 2014 20:36 11.7 AQU 28.9 LIB
Juno 45 Sedna 19 Mar 2014 02:06 8.4 ARI 23.4 TAU
Sun 150 Pallas 19 Mar 2014 11:12 28.8 PIS 28.8 LIB
Saturn 102 Neptune 19 Mar 2014 15:45 23.1 SCO 5.9 PIS
Uranus 135 Pallas 19 Mar 2014 21:55 11.7 ARI 26.7 LEO
Venus 102 Node 20 Mar 2014 04:20 13.0 AQU 0.1 SCO
Venus 102 Ceres 20 Mar 2014 09:25 13.2 AQU 0.3 SCO
Pluto 30 Venus 20 Mar 2014 14:56 13.4 CPR 13.4 AQU
Sun 150 Node 20 Mar 2014 19:15 0.1 ARI 0.1 SCO
Sun 150 Ceres 20 Mar 2014 23:02 0.3 ARI 0.3 SCO
Venus 30 Chiron 21 Mar 2014 17:24 14.5 AQU 14.5 PIS
Mercury 51 Pluto 21 Mar 2014 22:16 4.9 PIS 13.4 CPR
Ceres 0 Node 22 Mar 2014 15:09 30.0 LIB 30.0 LIB
Mercury 102 Saturn 22 Mar 2014 16:30 5.8 PIS 23.0 SCO
Sun 51 Sedna 22 Mar 2014 18:28 2.0 ARI 23.5 TAU
Mercury 0 Neptune 22 Mar 2014 20:16 6.0 PIS 6.0 PIS

Saturday 22nd March 2014

Dow 16,302  FTSE 6557 Gold 1334.5 Brent Crude 106.27

Global tensions rise into Sunday's New Moon (Sun 30th March)

The week begins with 2 T squares. One in Heliocentric Astrology (with the earth used as the centre) In the heliocentric sky, Mars forms a square to both destructive Pluto and unexpected Uranus, an aspect that is sure stir the warriors into action!.
Meanwhile in regular Astrology Juno has gate crashed the T Square party on Sunday 23rd March, making up the T Square with Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus. Juno negative aspects holds many qualities to it's bed partner Saturn.
If that isn't enough we also get Round 3 of 6, Lunar aspects, with the Moon in Capricorn, making negative aspects to the Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus T square Monday morning, European market makers may not get to eat their Bacon sarnies, as Monday morning as all the action will be on the trading screens!
Thursday PM into the Nikkei session sticks out to me as Juno squares Pluto, whilst Mars forms a Square to Asteroid Sappho, Sappho known for it compulsive sell off qualities. The weekend will hold more excitement in store as we have a New Moon conjunct Uranus ( T Square),also making Round 4 of 6 of the lunar aspects,  the Moon in Aries making negative aspects to Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter.

Times to look out for GMT

Jupiter 90 Juno 23 Mar 2014 14:17 10.9 CAN 10.9 ARI
Mercury 45 Eris 23 Mar 2014 18:46 7.3 PIS 22.3 ARI
Pallas 135 Juno 23 Mar 2014 21:10 26.1 LEO 11.1 ARI
Mars 90 Pluto 24 Mar 2014 01:54 11.7 LIB 11.7 CPR
Jupiter 45 Pallas 24 Mar 2014 14:42 11.0 CAN 26.0 LEO
Moon 180 Jupiter 24 Mar 2014 14:44 11.0 CPR 11.0 CAN
Chiron 135 Ceres 24 Mar 2014 15:38 14.7 PIS 29.7 LIB
Moon 90 Uranus 24 Mar 2014 16:26 12.0 CPR 12.0 ARI
Moon 0 Pluto 24 Mar 2014 18:57 13.5 CPR 13.5 CPR
Mercury 135 Mars 25 Mar 2014 02:33 9.1 PIS 24.1 LIB
Mars 180 Uranus 25 Mar 2014 12:44 12.4 LIB 12.4 ARI
Uranus 0 Juno 25 Mar 2014 14:52 12.0 ARI 12.0 ARI
Mars 102 Jupiter 25 Mar 2014 17:42 23.9 LIB 11.0 CAN
Mercury 120 Jupiter 26 Mar 2014 13:11 11.1 PIS 11.1 CAN
Chiron 135 Node 26 Mar 2014 14:26 14.8 PIS 29.8 LIB
Sun 30 Neptune 26 Mar 2014 22:41 6.2 ARI 6.2 PIS
Mars 150 Sedna 26 Mar 2014 23:59 23.5 LIB 23.5 TAU
Mercury 30 Uranus 27 Mar 2014 06:40 12.1 PIS 12.1 ARI
Mercury 135 Pallas 27 Mar 2014 11:38 12.4 PIS 27.4 LIB
Venus 51 Uranus 27 Mar 2014 22:59 20.7 AQU 12.2 ARI
Mercury 30 Juno 28 Mar 2014 04:49 13.5 PIS 13.5 ARI
Mercury 60 Pluto 28 Mar 2014 05:32 13.5 PIS 13.5 CPR
Pluto 90 Juno 28 Mar 2014 06:43 13.5 CPR 13.5 ARI
Saturn 135 Sun 28 Mar 2014 12:58 22.8 SCO 7.8 ARI
Mercury 135 Ceres 28 Mar 2014 13:22 14.0 PIS 29.0 LIB
Moon 90 Jupiter 30 Mar 2014 21:08 11.4 ARI 11.4 CAN
Moon 0 Uranus 30 Mar 2014 22:45 12.3 ARI 12.3 ARI
Moon 90 Pluto 01 Apr 2014 00:47 13.5 ARI 13.5 CPR

Report by Rosecast Scientific

Sunday 30th March 2014

Dow 16,323  FTSE 6615 Gold 1293.8 Brent Crude 107.27

Pluto grinding slowly to a halt and Surprise in store

Pluto officially stations retrograde on the 14th April, but for the next 2 weeks, it will start slowly grinding to halt, In February it was moving 2/60th a day, this week it only moves 1/60th in 3 days. So  the tensions will start to become more powerful upto the 14th.
This weeks action will be on Tuesday and Wednesday for the European traders with The fast moving Sun aspecting Jupiter and Unexpected Uranus on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning.
The Bulls can then take control for the Venus Ceres Trine on Thursday. But with more bad aspects on the way next week it will be shortlived.


Times to look out for GMT


Chiron 30 Juno 31 Mar 2014 01:57 15.1 PIS 15.1 ARI
Sun 135 Pallas 31 Mar 2014 02:12 10.3 ARI 25.3 LEO
Venus 180 Pallas 01 Apr 2014 07:04 25.2 AQU 25.2 LEO
Sun 90 Jupiter 01 Apr 2014 07:39 11.5 ARI 11.5 CAN
Venus 120 Vesta 02 Apr 2014 06:05 26.2 AQU 26.2 LIB
Sun 0 Uranus 02 Apr 2014 07:09 12.5 ARI 12.5 ARI
Mars 135 Neptune 02 Apr 2014 07:28 21.4 LIB 6.4 PIS
Mercury 150 Mars 02 Apr 2014 09:44 21.4 PIS 21.4 LIB
Venus 135 Jupiter 02 Apr 2014 15:20 26.6 AQU 11.6 CAN
Mercury 30 Eris 03 Apr 2014 01:16 22.4 PIS 22.4 ARI
Mercury 120 Saturn 03 Apr 2014 03:03 22.5 PIS 22.5 SCO
Sun 90 Pluto 03 Apr 2014 09:22 13.5 ARI 13.5 CPR
Uranus 45 Venus 03 Apr 2014 12:34 12.5 ARI 27.5 AQU
Venus 120 Ceres 03 Apr 2014 17:16 27.7 AQU 27.7 LIB
Mercury 60 Sedna 03 Apr 2014 19:08 23.6 PIS 23.6 TAU
Venus 45 Pluto 04 Apr 2014 11:40 28.6 AQU 13.6 CPR
Mecury 150 Pallas 04 Apr 2014 16:27 25.0 PIS 25.0 LEO
Venus 120 Node 05 Apr 2014 04:13 29.3 AQU 29.3 LIB
Sun 30 Chiron 05 Apr 2014 05:16 15.3 ARI 15.3 PIS
Mercury 150 Vesta 06 Apr 2014 00:14 25.6 PIS 25.6 LIB
Saturn 150 Eris 06 Apr 2014 00:55 22.4 SCO 22.4 ARI




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